Have you ever found a recipe or meal plan you wanted to try and realized any or all of the following? 

a.) you don’t have half the ingredients and don’t want to spend $40 on missing ingredients to make one dish

b.) you don’t know what to do with the leftover ingredients so that they doesn’t go to waste 

c.) if you follow the recipe as is you will be eating the leftovers until next week

From the single guy with a desire for good food on a tight budget, to the couple working (and eating) on opposite shifts, to the family of 4 with varying dietary restrictions, we know that not every home cooked meal can or should serve the stereotypical 4-6 people. Our recipes and corresponding meal plans are based around shopping for and serving 1 person. We’ll tell you what to buy and cook so nothing gets thrown out, you decide how many people you’re cooking for.

Our goal is simple, high quality meals, low food waste.